
It was one of the most important Mayan settlements of the Chenes region. And from the year 300 AD, its first settlers sat on a hill, where later they would build residences, more important public religious buildings. The slopes of Cerro were conditioned with terraces and platforms with dwelling houses of perishable materials. Several Aljibes or chultunes were built on the ground for the storage, storage and distribution of rainwater.

Hochob could depend on Dzibilnocac podés Santa Rosa Xtampac that had already acquired regional importance in the classic period. Its buildings were constructed between the years 600 to 900 d. C. But the greater splendor was between 850 to 1000 D. And today it conserves buildings with ample frontal masks And towers that characterize to the region Chenes.

This prosperity was interrupted by the Mayan collapse that had already reached several cities of the Yucatan peninsula, which caused the ruling class of Hochob lost power. As a consequence, the population emigrated to other places to form new settlements but the city was not completely abandoned since it continued to inhabit until time after the Spanish conquest.